Thursday, November 8, 2012

Interview with Nicole Flockton!

Today on the blog I have debut author Nicole Flockton. Her contemporary romance Masquerade is available now. Read on to learn more about Nicole and Masquerade.

Welcome to Strange Candy Reviews, Nicole!
Hi!  Thanks for having me today!

For those who haven’t heard about your book, can you tell us a bit about it?
It’s about two people who meet at a Masquerade ball and the attraction between them is instant. They succumb to their attraction as they believed it would be for only one night. Fate has a different idea and they are thrown together in the high stress world of the Emergency Room. Not only do they have to keep the fact they spent the night together from their colleagues they have to deal with their attraction.

How did the idea for your story originate?
It started as an idea one New Year’s Eve. I was home sitting on the couch, as you do with young kids, and the idea of a couple of meeting when one gate-crashes the party. It evolved to a Masquerade Ball and the setting in the medical world.

Have you always wanted to write?
I think it’s always been in the back of my mind as I enjoyed creative writing at school. But it wasn’t until I had my daughter and started to contribute to a romance community forum that my love for writing fully evolved.

Does your writing schedule ever affect your family routine?
More like the other way around, the family routine always seems to interfere with my writing. What with homework, scout activities, sporting events etc.

Did you do any research for you book? Was there anything interesting you discovered?
No I didn't do a whole heap of research. When it came to the medical scenes one of the girls in my critique group, her mum is a nurse so she looked over my scenes and would make sure that I had everything medically correct.

What inspires you to write?
I get a scene or idea and that usually sparks the creative juices. I don’t tend to plot I start with the scene and work from there.

Do you write for yourself or for readers?
I think I started for myself but soon learned that readers enjoyment was far more important than me. I’d like to think my readers go on an emotional journey with the characters.

How exciting is it to have your book published?
It’s very exciting and still a little unbelievable. When I started on this journey it was always what I wanted but seemed like it was light years away. Now it’s here and it still feels surreal.

Is your book part of a series or stand alone? How many books will there be if it’s a series?
I’m planning two more stories from this book. So three in total but of course, sometimes characters pop up and then demand that you tell their story.

Do you try to reach a quota every day? How do you meet it?
I try and get a quota every day, sometimes it doesn't work and I give myself permission to accept that sometimes I can’t do everything! I will sit down and just keep going until I get the goal I've set myself.

Was there any inspiration from actors/models for your characters?
Not when I wrote the story I didn’t have any actors in mind, but now that you ask I think Antonio Sabato Jnr fits the vision I have of Alex.

Thanks for having me!!

After being humiliated by her fiancée, Sophie Franklyn has decided that getting involved with work colleagues and men in general isn’t for her. Now her focus is going to be on her career and her recent promotion. That is until at a New Year’s Eve masquerade ball, she meets a man that tempts her to question her choices.
Alex Scavoni is extremely dedicated to his job, so dedicated that his first marriage crumbled under the pressure of his dedication. Now he’s happily single, with a new job he’s excited to start. When he meets a masked Sophie at the ball, she fires desires in him he thought long dead. He spends a wonderful night with her, but wakes up alone.
The next time the two meet, it’s in the high pressure world of Emergency Room medicine where they must work side by side. While they deal with the stresses of the Emergency ward, they endeavor to keep their feelings for each other on a professional nature. When the desire that pushed them together that one night flares to life again, can they ignore them or will their one night together have consequences neither of them planned on?


On her very first school report her teacher said ‘Nicole likes to tell her own stories’.
It wasn’t until after the birth of her daughter and after having fun on the community board of that she finally decided to take the plunge and write a book.
Nicole joined the fabulous Romance Writers of Australia and eventually linked up with a great group of girls and formed “WINKGirls”
The stories she writes are contemporary romances with either a medical setting or in the boardrooms of high powered business. Nicole enjoys taking two characters and creating unique situations for them.
Apart from writing Nicole is busy looking after her very own hero – her wonderfully supportive husband, and her two fabulous kids. She also enjoys watching sports and, of course, reading.

You can find out more about Nicole on her website. You can like her page on Facebook and follow her on Twitter!