Jo-Anne, thanks for inviting me to visit!
Can you tell us a bit about yourself Marianne? Where did you grow up?
a country girl from Western Australia who grew up on a farm reading
pulp westerns and boys own adventure stories. I spent an unhealthy
amount of time day dreaming that I was an action hero. At eleven I
went to boarding school in Perth, and then on to Curtin Uni to study
Film and TV. Then I fell in love with an engineer and spent ten years
living in Paraburdoo. I didn’t begin writing seriously until I
moved to Queensland fifteen years ago.
really. Anywhere the family is together creates a happy memory but I
have loved summer holidays on North Stradbroke Island.
For those who haven't read your books, could you give us a little
description about them?
a fairly versatile writer who swings between various sub genres of
SF, crime and young adult fantasy. I love science fiction but I could
never see myself writing one kind of book forever. My first SF series
was post-cyberpunk, my next was space opera. I’ve also written
humorous crime and have a dark YA fantasy coming out next year.
Did you always know you wanted to write science fiction?
I was younger I wanted to write whatever I happened to be reading. I
guess I spent a lot of years immersed in reading SF as an adult, so
it seemed a natural progression.
Was it a genre you read when you were younger?
started reading SF when I was in my twenties, quite late really,
but my love for the genre grew and grew, until, for a period, it was
all I read. Recently my tastes have broadened again, and my bedside
table is piled with a variety of titles.
Your Parrish Plessis character is a pretty tough chick. How did she
come about?
started thinking about her character in about 1997. At the time there
weren’t a lot of SFP (strong female protags) in SF,
and urban fantasy was just a glimmer in Laurel K Hamilton’s eye.
Most importantly I wanted to put her in an Australian setting to let
her do her thing.
you! I always plan a bit, but I do find too much structure
constricting. I did ask myself lots of questions about what things
had changed in my futuristic version of Australia and what things had
stayed the same. My planning was born from those two simple
Do you have any routines when you write? Do you have certain rules
you follow when you write?

I said, my bedside table is a mixture of authors and genres. Right
now it’s harbouring, among other books, Feed by Mira Grant, Fear
the Worst by Linwood Barclay, The Wind Up Girl by Paolo Bacigalupi,
Unholy Magic by Stacia Kane and The Reversal by Michael Connelly.
Has an interviewer or fan ever asked you a question you didn't know
how to answer?
a few times on panels.
Sometime you just have to own up you don’t know!
If you could write a biography for anyone past or present who would
it be and why?
only do fiction :)
de Pierres is the author of the acclaimed Parrish
Plessis and Sentients
of Orionscience
fiction series. The Parrish
Plessis series
has been translated into eight languages and adapted into a
roleplaying game.

Thank you Marianne for stopping by.
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